A Message from the Director of Education: Lead, Learn & Inspire Monthly Bulletin

Friday, Mar. 07, 2025

Grand Erie Families,

I’m sure many students, families and staff are looking ahead to a well-deserved March Break, which allows students to relax and recharge.

Looking for family-friendly activities over the break and beyond? The City of Brantford, Brant County, Haldimand County and Norfolk County are hosting events and programming at local libraries and recreation centres.

For some, being away from school is not always easy. I want to highlight School Mental Health Ontario for the resource library they continue to build for students, and parents and caregivers. Together, we can support the mental health of every student.

On March 19, from 4 to 6 p.m., Grades 6 to 8 students and families are invited to the Innovation Hub @ Grand Erie for a STEAM evening with McMaster University. This free event features hands-on activities, including building your own bacteria, elephant toothpaste, the STEM Cup Challenge and more.

The Grand Erie Parent Involvement Committee will host a virtual presentation featuring Alyson Schafer on March 27, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Alyson will share how parents and caregivers can appropriately manage technology at home.

Do you or someone you know have a child ready for Kindergarten in September? Earlier this month, we launched our Kick-Start to Kindergarten events. The remaining sessions will take place on March 18 and 27. These sessions help families prepare for a smooth transition into school.

For secondary school students, the second Student Learning Support Day will take place on April 10. This event will provide additional opportunities for students requiring further consolidation of learning to meet their achievement goals. 

You can also find this month's Family Math Newsletter, which includes resources, tips and practice math equations to support mathematics learning at home for all grade levels.

Later this Spring, Grades 3, 6, and 9 students will participate in the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) assessments, and Grade 10 students will complete the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). Families can access resources and information to support student success.

This month, I'd like to recognize a few staff and students:

  • Callum MacInnis, a student at McKinnon Park Secondary School, for his solo exhibit, Tacit, at the Dundas Valley School of Art.
  • At Hagersville Secondary School, Jonathan Smith, teacher and coach, rallied the community together to bring wrestling back to the community for its inaugural season.
  • Carson McKie, a Delhi Secondary School student, recently signed a university football scholarship with the University of Guelph Gryphons.
  • The Learn Lead Inspire Recognition Awards honoured John Macdonald, teacher and coach at Pauline Johnson Collegiate, for his dedication to supporting learners and athletes. Later this year, he will officially enter the North American Indigenous Athletics Hall of Fame.


Wishing all Grand Erie families a safe and enjoyable March Break!

Dr. JoAnna Roberto, Ph.D
Director of Education and Secretary of the Board
Grand Erie District School Board

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