Math Action Plan

About the program

A math strategy is already part of our Multi-Year Strategic Plan, and the Math Achievement Action Plan brings increased focus to support math learning and math achievement across the district.

It reflects a collective commitment, from classroom teachers to senior leadership, to support math learning for all students. Math learning and achievement is a focus and a priority.

What are the key components of the plan?

1 - Curriculum implementation through the intentional use of the Ontario Math Curriculum and high impact instructional strategies

  • All elementary schools will have a math goal as part of their school-level planning and implementation.
  • The Math Achievement Action Plan builds in connection points between educators, instructional  coaches, principals/vice principals and superintendents to make sure each school individually, and the district as a whole, is working collaboratively to achieve the goals of the plan

2 - Ongoing learning for educators and additional supports through instructional coaches

  • Throughout the year, Grand Erie has committed to intensive professional development for all math educators. Each month there will be a learning focus on math curriculum, high-impact instructional practices, assessment and math resources. Many principals/vice principals, teachers and instructional coaches will be participating in this learning together to ensure broad understanding and commitment to the learning
  • Instructional coaches – many with specific designations in math education – are assigned to schools to help with instructional planning, provide support in classrooms, and promote creative and critical thinking

3 - A focus on “knowing the learner” to make sure math content, teaching, assessment and support are relevant and responsive to the learner’s needs

  • As part of the focused professional development, educators will learn more about how to identify and respond to the specific needs of their students
  • School communities will have the opportunity to engage in this plan, through School Councils and family math events at schools

What are the goals of the plan?

Through this plan, Grand Erie is committed to improving math achievement, to be reflected in higher levels of achievement for students, increased performance in EQAO and an increase in attendance for students.


The 2023-24 Annual Learning and Operating Plan details specific improvement targets.

Resources to support the plan

Grand Erie has a number of resources, already in place and in use, available for school administrators and educators to support math learning.

The Math Long Range Plan

This is a plan established in 2021 to map out math education for the Grand Erie. The Math Long Range Plan is an internal web-based platform, accessible to Grand Erie educators, that provides Grand Erie educators access to resources and a framework to support the implementation of the Ontario Mathematics curriculum.

Lawson Mathematics

Dr. Alex Lawson is a math expert and researcher who has developed resources for teachers who want to really understand where their students are mathematically, and what they can do to help move their students forward. These resources and this approach support Grand Erie’s Math Achievement Action Plan, and learning in Lawson math continues to be part of math professional development

Building Thinking Classrooms

Developed by a professor of math education, Building Thinking Classrooms is an instructional approach to supporting student thinking and learning. The series includes a number of engaging practices aligned with high-impact instructional practices that support and amplify the goals of the Math Achievement Action Plan.


One-page Grand Erie Math Achievement Action Plan (GE-MAAP) Information Pack.

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