About Grand Erie

Students at Walter Gretzky Elementary School
Elementary Students: 19,900
Secondary Students: 8,000
Total: 27,900
A man and a women in a meeting
Full-Time Equivalent Number of Staff
Instructional staff: 1,831
Non-instructional staff: 1,017
Total: 2,848
BCI Building
Total Schools

Elementary Schools : 57
Secondary Schools: 14

Total: 71
Students outside at an event
Number of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students
Self-Id Total: 1,759
Tuition Agreement: 581
A student at BCI graduating with honours
Graduation Rate
Secondary: 81.4%
Total: 81.4%
A copy of the latest Grand Erie Budget document

Operating Budget: $368.7 Million
Capital Budget: $26.5 Million

Total Budget: $395.2 Million