Student Accident Insurance

About the program

Grand Erie District School Board does not provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries that occur on school property or during school activities, including extracurricular sports.

If a student is injured

If a student is injured, parent(s)/caregiver(s) are responsible for any costs not covered by their Government Health Insurance Plan or their employer’s health care plan. The Board encourages all parents/caregivers to review this or other available Student Accident Insurance plans, especially those with a child(ren) participating in medium- to high-impact physical activities (both during school and outside of school hours).

For higher-risk field trips or excursions, students will be required to confirm that they have insurance or will purchase student accident insurance in advance of the trip/excursion. Schools will notify parents/caregivers when accident insurance is mandatory.

The insuremykids® student accident insurance program offers three plans with a variety of benefits and affordable rates. Their most affordable plan is available for as little as $17 per year. All plans provide 24/ 7 coverage.

For more information or to purchase insurance, please visit or call 1-800-463-5437. 

Grand Erie District School Board requires that all parents/caregivers declare whether or not they have accident insurance. A declaration form is attached for parent/caregiver review and signature. Please return a completed  Declaration Accident Insurance Form to your student's school.