Benefits of OYAP

About the program

  • Gain a head start towards a chosen career
  • Ease the transition from school to work
  • Increase opportunities for post-secondary training and employment
  • Earn work experience hours in addition to secondary school credits
  • Develop general and specialized job skills
  • Understand employer expectations
  • Significantly reduce post-secondary tuition costs
  • Increase your employable opportunities
Person cleaning tools

Why Apply?

Applying for the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program could be the first step in beginning a rewarding career in the skilled trades.

  • OYAP is both a demanding and smart choice if you wish to jump-start your career. Jobs in the skilled trades pay well and challenge your intellect and creativity.
  • Apprenticeships are often the first step in a career path that can lead to supervisory, administrative or management positions, or to a self-employed business career.
  • Students who participate in OYAP will be trained in a specific set of skills leading to a registered apprenticeship program and will be able to obtain apprenticeship hours and high school credits at the same time.

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