French Immersion Kindergarten Registration 2024-25 School Year

Please note: This year's deadline to register/submit expression of interest for French Immersion is February 2, 2024

Overview of the French Immersion Registration Process

  • A cap for Junior and Senior Kindergarten as well as Grade 1 is in effect for French Immersion at all sites.
  • Parents/caregivers must register their child (and verify documents) for French Immersion.
  • There are limited spaces available for students entering the program.
  • Students who currently have siblings in the program are guaranteed a spot. Registration and verification, however, is still required.
  • A randomized selection process will be used for new families to grant access into Grand Erie’s French Immersion program.
  • Parents/caregivers will be informed, by each school, whether their child is in the program.
  • Parents/caregivers of students who were not granted a spot in the program through the randomized process will be provided with information on the wait list process and will be directed to register at their home school.
  • No out-of-area requests will be permitted.

Wait List

  • Students who made the deadline, but were not selected by the randomized process, will be placed on the wait list in the order given by the randomized process.
  • Students who wish to enter the French Immersion program, but did not register by the deadline, will be placed on the wait list.
  • Students who missed the deadline will be placed on the wait list in the order registration is received
  • The wait list ends on the first Thursday of the school year

Wait List Timelines

  • Once September enrolment data is collected and verified, the wait lists will be reviewed and families will be notified whether or not their child is in the program.

What You Need to Register Your Child

The following information will be required when you register your child for school:

  • A document to confirm Canadian Citizenship, and a birth date (one of the following): Canadian Birth Certificate, Canadian Citizenship Card, Permanent Resident Card, other documents to verify status in Canada
  • Your child’s address including: 911 civic address (fire number), lot, concession, county and postal code
  • Parent/caregiver contact information, work and home
  • Emergency contact person and telephone number
  • Custody information, if applicable
  • Medical information - a Request for School Assistance in Health Care form, which is provided by the school, must be filled out if medication needs to be administered by school personnel to your child

How to Register

Click Here to Login to Powerschool and Register Your Child


You can contact your home school and register directly through them. To find your school's contact information, use our  Find a School page.

Please contact the school if you are new to Grand Erie and would like to register your child for the 2023-24 school year.