EQAO Results - 2018-19

Statement on behalf of the Grand Erie District School Board in Regards to the Release of EQAO Results for 2018-19


Secondary EQAO Results: from Superintendent of Education, responsible for the Secondary School Program

“Our students continue to demonstrate progress in the assessments, with improvements seen in both Applied Mathematics and the OSSLT in 2018-19. Additionally, our students in Grade 9 Applied Mathematics have once again performed above the Provincial level.”

“While EQAO results provide useful data and information on how to improve learning, it’s just one of the many ways in which we measure student success. We’re also concentrating on increasing staff understanding of effective instruction, and assessment in literacy and numeracy. Through our Multi-Year Plan, Success for Every Student, we’re focused on increasing student understanding of effective learning strategies, and how to use them.”

Grand Erie’s 2018-19 EQAO Results – Grade 9 Mathematics

  • Applied Program
    • 51 per cent, an increase of four per cent compared to 2017-18
    • Provincial results: 44 per cent, a difference of one per cent compared to 2017-18

  • Academic Program
    • 79 per cent, a difference of three per cent compared to 2017-18
    • Provincial results: 84 per cent, no change compared to 2017-18

Grand Erie’s 2018-19 EQAO Results – OSSLT

  • First Time Eligible
    • 63 per cent, an increase of one per cent compared to 2017-18
    • Provincial results: 80 per cent, an increase of one per cent compared to 2017-18

Elementary EQAO Results: from Superintendent of Education, responsible for the Elementary School Program

“While our Primary and Junior assessments generally align with Provincial trends, our EQAO results tell us we have more work to do. That’s why we’re focused on moving forward with our Multi-Year Plan, including continued work on Mathematics and on-going focus on the Literacy Support Plan and Assessment for Learning.”

“It’s important to remember that EQAO results are a snapshot in time: they don’t necessarily reflect all of the learning that’s taking place; and, they don’t paint the full picture of all of the programs and offerings that each Grand Erie school provides for students in all grades.”

Grand Erie’s 2018-19 EQAO Results – Primary Division

  • Grade 3 Reading
    • 62 per cent, a difference of four per cent compared to 2017-18
    • Provincial results: 74 per cent, a difference of one per cent compared to 2017-18

  • Grade 3 Writing
    • 56 per cent, a difference of six per cent compared to 2017-18
    • Provincial results: 69 per cent, a difference of three per cent compared to 2017-18

  • Grade 3 Mathematics
    • 48 per cent, no change compared to 2017-18
    • Provincial results: 58 per cent, a difference of three per cent compared to 2017-18

Grand Erie’s 2018-19 EQAO Results – Junior Division

  • Grade 6 Reading
    • 71 per cent, a difference of four per cent compared to 2017-18
    • Provincial results: 81 per cent, a difference of one per cent compared to 2017-18

  • Grade 6 Writing
    • 70 per cent, no change compared to 2017-18
    • Provincial results: 82 per cent, an increase of two per cent compared to 2017-18

  • Grade 6 Mathematics
    • 34 per cent, a difference of one per cent compared to 2017-18
    • Provincial results: 48 per cent, a difference of one per cent compared to 2017-18

Background on EQAO

  • The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) issued the following 2018-19 results on Wednesday (September 25):
    • Primary (Grades 1-3) and Junior (Grades 4-6) assessments in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics
    • Grade 9 Academic and Applied Mathematic assessments
    • Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)