About the program
Ensuring timely news and announcements are delivered to parents/caregivers most efficiently is a priority in Grand Erie. As a result, the board has launched a new mobile app for parents/caregivers that will serve as a hub of classroom and school-related information and updates for parents/caregivers, all in one place.
This mobile app includes several features including up-to-date information about school news, event calendars, transportation schedules, delays and cancellations as well as access to school and Board social media channels. It also provides a way to make secure transactions through the School Cash Online feature, and links to the Parent/Caregiver Portal.
With the app, parents/caregivers have the option of which schools they wish to receive communication from by selecting one or more schools from the Settings icon.
Grand Erie’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan includes Technology as one of its key indicators, with a goal of providing secure and reliable learning environments and providing up-to-date technology infrastructure the meets the needs of students, staff, and parents/caregivers. The app is free, and available by searching Grand Erie or GEDSB where you get your mobile apps.