Health and Safety


Manager of Health & Safety:
Lena Latreille

The Health and Safety team is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all employees, students and community members while on Board premises and during Board events. We provide expertise on ergonomics, organize training and hygiene testing and, investigate employee and student injuries and accidents. Health and Safety works together with the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee to ensure that the Board complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and other Regulations and Codes. The team acts as a liaison between the Board and the Ministry of Labour and is readily available to respond to concerns and questions regarding health and safety issues.

Health & Safety Officers:
Bill Jarvis
Hilary Sutton

2023-24 Standardized Ventilation Measures Report

The 2022:B06 40,000 Additional Standalone HEPA Filter Units memo published by the Ministry of Education requires that school boards provide updated school-level information on HEPA filter unit deployment. 

To provide continued transparency to parents, students and staff, Grand Erie District School Board has publicly posted our standardized ventilation measures report for the 2023-24 school year below: