Independent Learning Program

How do Independent Learning Courses (I.L.C.) work?

  • You must be 18 years of age or older and not attending secondary school.
  • If you are 18-20 years of age, you must provide a "Date of Leaving" letter and an Official Ontario transcript from the last high school you attended. For those over 21, you will only need to provide a copy of your transcript from your last high school.
  • The independent learning courses are offered through Grand Erie Learning Alternatives and use the I.L.C. course materials through the Ministry of Education.
  • There are no classes to attend. You work through the lessons independently at home, and submit them for marking by a secondary school teacher from the area.
  • If you have and questions or difficulties with your course, you may arrange to have your marker call you. Each student is granted one hour of tutorial time per credit. If you wish to have an interview with your marker, please call our office (519-753-6079) and we will arrange for your marker to contact you.
  • There are 20 lessons to complete for a full credit.

Am I able to do my course on-line?

  • If you have an email address you can take courses on-line through our e-Learning program.
  • Currently we offer senior courses in Business, English, Science, Social Science & Humanities; Canadian & World Studies, Guidance and Careers, Math are offered from Grade 10 and up; French in both Grade 9 and 12 and a Grade 11 Health & Physcial Education course.

How do I sign up?

Prior to signing out any of our material, you will first need to have an appointment with our guidance counsellor. We ask that you come into our office where you will be asked to complete a form for an education assessment, pay the $20.00 (cash or debit only) fee, provide us with the copy of your high school transcript, and then we will assign a counselling appointment for you. At the conclusion of the appointment, you will be brought back into our office where you will then be able to sign out your first book to get you started. A refundable, $35.00 book deposit will be required at that time and will be returned to you when the course material(s) are returned and the exam is written. The deposit will not be returned if the material(s) are damaged, or if your required year has ended.

Brantford Campus - 365 Rawdon Street, Brantford

The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. During July and August our hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 519-753-6079 and we will be able to assist you.

Simcoe Campus - Simcoe Town Centre, 150 West Street, Unit 5, Simcoe

Our Simcoe I.L.C. office is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The office number is 519-426-7916 or please contact our Brantford Campus and we will forward a message to the counsellor.

How many courses can I take at once?

You may only do 1 course at a time through the booklets. When you have completed the lessons in your first book, bring them into our office where you will then be given the next book. You may take two courses at once if you sign up with our e-Learning program, provided you have the prerequisite for each course. There is a one-year time limit to complete each course.

Advantages of Independent Study

  • No classes to attend
  • Private and confidential
  • You may work at your own speed
  • You may start and finish at any time of the year
  • You can study when and where you wish
  • No mailing costs. Simply drop off your completed lessons at the location where you signed up for the courses
  • Credits earned count towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (Graduation for this program is held at the end of June of each year).