Over 21 Years old & Need Your Diploma?

In-Class Courses

Adult Education Day School classes are held at GELA Adult Education's Tollgate Campus located at 112 Tollgate Road, Brantford


  • Classes run Monday through Friday throughout the school year
  • AM Classes run 9:30-12, PM Classes run 12:30-3
  • Students can attend full-time (all day) or part-time (half days) depending on your scheduling needs
  • Our program runs in four 9-week “Quads”; during a Quad, a student can take two full credits

Quad 1 registration begins September 1st.

Quad 2 registration begins November 1st.

Quad 3 registration begins mid-January.

Quad 4 registration begins after the March Break (end of March).

For more information about our adult day classes, or to schedule an appointment to speak with our guidance department, please call Adult Credit Tollgate Campus 519-759-0000 ext 3.


It's never too late to graduate!

Online Courses

Family commitments or conflicting work hours? Earn credits in an online environment on your own schedule.

Enrolment can happen any time throughout the school year and you have 12 months to complete the course.

For enrollment information and services:

  • Haldimand/Norfolk residents please call us at: 1-800-489-9589
  • Brantford and Brant residents can call us at: 519-759-0000 to set up an appointment at our GELA Adult Tollgate Campus


Click HERE to learn more about GELA's Online Courses.


Over 50 courses to choose from.

Booklet Courses

Online not your thing? Booklets also allow you to work on your own schedule.

Enrolment can happen any time throughout the school year and you have 12 months to complete the course.

For enrollment information and services:

  • Haldimand and Norfolk residents please call 1-800-489-9589
  • Brantford and Brant residents can call us at 519-759-0000 to set up an appointment at our GELA Adult, Tollgate campus.

25 Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses to choose from.

Canadian and World Studies

CGW4U Grade 12 University
Canadian and World Issues
Prerequisite required


ENG3E Grade 11 Workplace
Prerequisite ENG2P 

ENG3C Grade 11 College
Prerequisite ENG2P 

ENG3U Grade 11 University
Prerequisite ENG2D 

ENG4E Grade 12 Workplace
Prerequisite ENG3E 

ENG4C Grade 12 College
Prerequisite ENG3C  

ENG4U Grade 12 University
Prerequisite ENG3U


MEL3E Grade 11 Workplace Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life
Prerequisite MFM1P or MPM1D

MBF3C Grade 11 College Foundations for College Math (Graphing Calculator Required)
Prerequisite MFM2P

MCF3M Grade 11 Univ/Coll Functions and Applications (Graphing Calculator Required)
Prerequisite MPM2D or MFM2P

MCR3U Grade 11 University Functions
and Relations (Graphing Calculator Required)
Prerequisite MPM2D

MEL4E Grade 12 Workplace Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life
Prerequisite MEL3E

MCT4C Grade 12 College Mathematics for College Technology (Graphing Calculator Required)
Prerequisite MCR3U or MCF3M

MAP4C Grade 12 College Foundations for College Math (Graphing Calculator Required)
Prerequisite MBF3C, MCF3M or MCR3U

MHF4U Grade 12 University Advanced Functions
Prerequisite MCR3U or MCT4C

MCV4U Grade 12 University Calculus and Vectors
(Graphing Calculator Required)
Prerequisite MHF4U

MDM4U Grade 12 University Mathematics
of Data Management
Prerequisite MCR3U or MCF3M


SVN3E Grade 11 Workplace
Environmental Science

SBI3C Grade 11 College Biology
Prerequisite SNC2P or SNC2D

SBI3U Grade 11 University Biology
Prerequisite SNC2D

SCH3U Grade 11 University Chemistry
Prerequisite SNC2D

SCH4C Grade 12 College Chemistry
Prerequisite SNC2P or SNC2D

SCH4U Grade 12 University Chemistry
Prerequisite SCH3U

SPH3U Grade 11 University Physics
Prerequisite SNC2D

SPH4C Grade 12 College Physics
Prerequisite SNC2P or SNC2D

SPH4U Grade 12 University Physics
Prerequisite SPH3U